Living in Divine Time

The first time I heard the phrase divine time, I was on the phone with the assistant of a counselor, trying unsuccessfully to reschedule an appointment. I was frustrated at the counselor’s lack of availability and she responded to my energy with a gentle reminder that everything happens in divine time. I paused as she said that and found myself wondering what divine time even was. But the more that I considered the way that things and situations unfold in their own time, always at the right time, I finally understood what she meant. 

It’s a beautiful concept, isn’t it? It even sounds beautiful to say it out loud. 

The phrase always fills me with a sort of reverence, thinking of this timing determined by the Divine, not by me. It’s bigger than me. Greater than me. It reminds me of the smallness of my presence in the world, woven into the tapestry of the cosmos but not directing it (as I often fall into thinking I am). 

Wait, you mean I’m not in control of everything? 

Apparently not. And that lack of control is, at times, both a source of relief and of angst. 

Since that phone call, the phrase divine time occurs to me frequently. When things don’t work out. When I am disappointed by a delay. When I can’t get where I want to go at the moment I want to arrive. When, from my limited perspective, it doesn’t seem like things are unfolding as they should at all. When life throws me a curve ball and everything goes sideways. 

Divine Time. 

Not Lisa Time. 

Divine Time. 

It’s like a mantra. 

It reminds me there is a perspective much greater than the one I have when I am standing on the runway of life, looking from that ground level view. It reminds me to flow with what is occurring around me. It reminds me to try to stay present through whatever is happening. It reminds me that I am a student in the school of life and not the teacher. Honestly, it keeps me humble. 

When I say that magical phrase, it’s like an instant shot of mindfulness. A pause. A breath. A moment of sanctuary. After all, it’s divine. 

Where in your life might you apply the concept of Divine Time? It can bring a bit of sweet relief and I’d love to hear how and where it resonates with you. Send me a reply or comment below.  

With love and gratitude,



Come as You Are Party


Sanctuary at Christmas